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Sometimes we often underestimate things. for example, I as a student MAN CITY "Kediri" 3. as a student I am very often underestimate the lesson. especially if we can these lessons. if you have this, we often do not ever listen to the teacher explained, it was underestimated. sometimes the worst is true not polite to teachers, language kedirinya "ngentai".Like this person will never progress, never tried to keep ahead.This my story, now I really regret it.first, when I was a junior. I really liked the lessons of biology, history, and mathematics. every time the teacher explained I always felt I could, and I rarely listened to teachers explain, even I rarely noted what has been explained. although once I also had a student who looks smart in middle school. but this time I realized, it turns out I was very stupid.should from the first I listened to teachers explain. because by listening and recording, the knowledge we gain will be more useful. besides that honor teachers. because the science that we can not be beneficial if not the blessing it.because we are being arrogant, we will feel satisfied with the meager knowledge. and will never learn the lesson that a lot. from where the person assessed will never progress, and not will try to always be message:
  • learn and multiply reading by learning and reading because you will know how the narrowness of the world.
  • not satisfied with the knowledge that you can. continue to fight, because the god of science will uplift mankind.
  • always appreciate that are around us.


  1. . hyeh.hyeh .. gaoul !!! ;)

  2. cil cil.. koyog ga tau ruh bahasaq aeh wakmu kui..
    ak kan keturunan inggris


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